Shop Opening

Shop Opening

Welcome to my website! After some preparation the shop is finally open. I hope that you like my colors and that you will gladly hold one or another color in your hands and plan a knitting project. 

Planing this site let us to a wonderful lake south of Munich called Kochelsee. It is the perfect scenery to take pictures of the yarn and at the same time get some inspiration for future colorways. Although I was there often I now see things differently, I look for colors which catch my eyes and also colors that are more subtle and need to be discovered. 

You are very welcome to visit the news section of my site and follow me on my journey into the world of colors from you screen!

Please consider subscribing to my newsletter so you will not miss new colors, new yarns and new inspirations. 

Newsletter Subscription

Ich habe die Datenschutzbedingungen gelesen und stimme diesen ausdrücklich zu. 

Ich habe die Datenschutzbedingungen gelesen und stimme diesen ausdrücklich zu.